fishing forever
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fishing forever

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Old anchor... the pickeral.

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1Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Old anchor... the pickeral. Thu 29 Apr 2010, 8:54 am

Admin, topwaterpro1

Admin, topwaterpro1

Me and my couzin( topwaterpro2) were fishing this pond that i live at and the day wasnt going so well. We had missed several fish and it was verry hot out. pale We were fishing green zoom newts with a small weight. All of a sudden my couzin got hung up on the bottem, or atleast i thought he was. He was barely able to real in and afer a couple of minutes we finally saw it. A huge pickeral had taken his newt and he wasnt giving it back. He must have been 2 feet at the smallest. He constantely splashed on top of the water so it was hard to get him considering we didnt have a net. I reached down for the line and began to pull it. After a couple attemps, the line snapped Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Mad Mad After a couple sighs and a little arguement of whos fault it was, we continued to fish.

It was the biggest pickeral i have ever seen and i still have not seen him again to this day. scratch Maybe hes a little bigger now lol lol! flower

2Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Sun 02 May 2010, 10:02 am



The same thing happened to me:

I was fishing in my kayak with a little texas rigged grub in about ten feet of water and one of my neighbors paddled by in his kayak and something big splashed so i cast it out by where it splashed and a few seconds later it felt like a cinder block was on so i was fighting it for about 4 min. and i saw it. The Northern Pike on my line was about 12 pounds but i never got to measure it/weight it because it was barely hooked and when i got it to my boat it thrashed around and threw the hook. I was soooooo mad.

3Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Tue 04 May 2010, 7:59 pm

Admin, topwaterpro1

Admin, topwaterpro1

That must have been hard with the kayak to.

4Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Wed 05 May 2010, 7:01 am



yea i had no where to put him i was about to look for a place when he jumped off.

5Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Wed 05 May 2010, 7:29 am

Admin, topwaterpro1

Admin, topwaterpro1

lol, not much space. lol!

6Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Wed 05 May 2010, 7:34 am

Admin, topwaterpro1

Admin, topwaterpro1

I love kayaks though cause you can sneek up on the fish. I hope you didnt take my last comment as a insult because i certainatly didnt meen it as one.

7Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Fri 07 May 2010, 9:43 am



oh no i agree completely with the great fishing boats/not much space thing.

8Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Fri 07 May 2010, 9:45 am

Admin, topwaterpro1

Admin, topwaterpro1

Alright cool. Very Happy

9Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Fri 07 May 2010, 10:59 am




10Old anchor... the pickeral. Empty Re: Old anchor... the pickeral. Wed 30 Jun 2010, 12:52 pm



lol man that sucks ......i would be soo pissed tooo

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